What is OCIA?

 The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults, or OCIA, is a communal process for formal initiation of new members into the Catholic Church. This process is a return to the formation of the earliest members of the Church in the first and second centuries.

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops describes the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults as a process in which participants "undergo…conversion as they study the Gospel, profess faith in Jesus and the Catholic Church, and receive the sacraments…The OCIA process follows the ancient practice of the Church and was restored by the Second Vatican Council as the normal way adults prepare for baptism."

Likewise, the language used in the OCIA process is that of the early Church formation programs. Catechumens are those people who are seeking full initiation into the  Catholic Church through all of the Sacraments of Initiation – Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. Candidates are people who have been baptized in a Christian tradition but are seeking initiation into the Catholic Church through Eucharist and Confirmation.

All are Welcome!

We invite those who want to be Catholic, want to be a better Catholic or are interested in learning more about Catholicism to investigate the truth and discover the treasures of God’s Word, the teachings of the Catholic Church, and the value of a fruitful spiritual life by 
participating in our (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults) OCIA program formerly known as RCIA.

OCIA is a program of reaching out to and sharing our faith with people who:
  • Are from Catholic families and have been baptized but have not received Communion or
  • Confirmation.
  • Were never baptized or come from a non-Christian religion and who are thinking about
  • becoming Catholic.
  • Were baptized in another Christian church who now desire to become Catholic and be
  • accepted into full Communion with the Catholic Church.

These classes of faith formation are for adults (18 or older) who are looking to celebrate the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Communion).

For more information, please contact St John parish office - Phone (843) 744-6201 or Email churchoffice@saintjohncatholicsc.org
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